How to increase end-user adoption of a taxonomy by enabling collaboration between IM and business stakeholders

In today’s digital age, effective information management (IM) is critical to the success of any organization. One of the key components of IM is taxonomy, which refers to the organization of information into categories and hierarchies. Taxonomy helps to improve search accuracy, facilitate information sharing, and increase efficiency. However, many organizations struggle with end-user adoption of their taxonomy. In this article, we will discuss how to increase end-user adoption of a taxonomy by enabling collaboration between IM and business stakeholders to develop an organization-wide taxonomy. 

How to increase end-user adoption of a taxonomy by enabling collaboration between IM and business stakeholders?
Collaboration between IM and business stakeholders is essential to developing an effective taxonomy. IM professionals are responsible for creating and maintaining the taxonomy, while business stakeholders have a deep understanding of the content and its context. By working together, IM and business stakeholders can ensure that the taxonomy accurately reflects the organization’s content and business needs. 

To facilitate collaboration, it is essential to establish clear roles and responsibilities. IM professionals should lead the taxonomy development process and ensure that it aligns with industry standards and best practices. Business stakeholders should provide input on the content, use cases, and business requirements. It is also essential to establish a governance framework to manage the taxonomy’s ongoing maintenance and evolution.

Another key aspect of increasing end-user adoption is ensuring that the taxonomy is user-friendly and intuitive. Users should be able to navigate the taxonomy easily and understand the relationship between categories and subcategories.

The taxonomy should also be aligned with the organization’s language and terminology to ensure that users can easily find the information they need.

To promote end-user adoption, it is also essential to provide training and support. Users should understand the benefits of using the taxonomy and how it can improve their productivity and efficiency. IM professionals should provide training on how to use the taxonomy and how to search for information effectively. It is also essential to provide ongoing support and address any user feedback or concerns. 

Finally, it is essential to measure the taxonomy’s effectiveness and impact on end-user adoption. Metrics such as search accuracy, usage statistics, and user feedback can help to identify areas for improvement and ensure that the taxonomy remains aligned with the organization’s needs. 

In conclusion, increasing end-user adoption of a taxonomy requires collaboration between IM and business stakeholders, a user-friendly and intuitive taxonomy, training and support for users, and ongoing measurement and improvement. By following these best practices, organizations can ensure that their taxonomy is an effective tool for managing information and improving productivity and efficiency. 

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